Soon, the wave of New Year’s resolution Blogs with 2022 writing goals will come pouring through your screen. Though that avalanche of What are your New Year’s Resolutions? are well intended, I do get a bit irritated by them. That’s because I don’t believe writing and truly doing what you love is a resolution. Writing is a way of life. That’s the difference. A resolution is a decision we are resolutely duty-bound to uphold.
It’s a resolve we often break. Or that breaks us.
Whereas writing is a lasting habit that develops through the love of what you’re doing. A way of your life.
For those of us who truly love expressing ourselves through the written word, writing makes us feel serene, satisfied, and happy. So, like meditation, yoga, or music, writing is essential to our wellbeing.
It’s all about a little bit of writing every day. That Art of Writing mantra of I’ll just write for 30 minutes, then before you know it, you’ve written for two hours.
We have to believe in ourselves. Understand that we are writers. Whether we are published or not makes no difference.
We write because we love/need to write and if publication follows – great! If not, it doesn’t matter because you’re producing and creating something that you love. You will be halfway to your dream of publication simply because you are writing. It’s your way of life.
So forget about making a New Year’s resolution to write and just follow your love of writing.
If you’d like to share any comments or thoughts, I’d be happy to hear from you. Email me directly at