I Believe You Are A Writer

Written By Lisa Clifford - Author/Journalist

One thing I know for sure is that when creatives ignore the artist within they become depressed, angry and listless. A creative person, who closes their eyes to their need to invent and express will never be happy.

What I’ve learnt over the years with our The Art of Writing retreats, is that if writers don’t acknowledge that they are writers, they remain blocked and often confused.

One of my sworn objectives in life is to let you know that if you love writing, you are a writer. But part of the problem with so many writers is believing that they are writers. If writing is what you love doing and you are doing it, then you are a writer.

Published or unpublished, who cares? Is your work being read? Who cares? So many lovers of expressing themselves through the written word don’t give a hoot as to whether their work is read or not. They just love writing. Yet, those sorts of writers so often don’t believe that they are writers. They are!

Often negative belief coupled with that nasty repetitive inner voice that says ‘who are you kidding? You’re not a writer’ stops people from writing and then they cease the beautiful therapeutic wonder of putting their thoughts and feelings into words. Yes, you are a writer if writing is what you love. I believe that so passionately that it hurts.

Any other kind of pessimistic thoughts are sabotage. Being kind to your creative self is so important. Do your affirmations – write them yourself. Acknowledge that you are a writer so that you stay unblocked and fearless.

It is irresponsible towards your inner, most sacred self not to believe that you are a writer. If writing gives you peace, then write and believe that you are a writer.


If you’d like to share any comments or thoughts, I’d be happy to hear from you. Email me directly at lisacliffordwriter@gmail.com.

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