Imagine your favourite writing podcast. Now imagine yourself in the room, too.
Time to write. Curious about the writing journey and the creative process?
Join us every other Tuesday for a free biweekly Q&A Zoom session with an author, then write with us for an hour. This is your chance to dive deeper into stories, inspiration, and advice! Subscribe now to our Newsletter for updates.
This event is now biweekly on Tuesday nights in Australia, Tuesday morning in Europe.

What if you can't find the time to write at home?
We know that writers block is real. Join us for our dedicated two-hour timeslot, where you can focus on your writing without distraction. We're here to help, which is why our calls are open to everyone (whether you are a past attendee or not)!

Turning lazy Tuesday nights (Australia time) and Tuesday mornings (European time) into productive mid-week writing time.
Our weekly zoom calls feature discussions with published authors that allow you to deep dive into their journey to getting published. Our facilitated Q&As help you ask any questions you might have on your mind about the journey.

What's the point?
Blogs are boring. Podcasts don't make us write. These online sessions inspire and motivate us to carve out a time to write. We uplift each other to find inspiration to get your words on the page. Connection and community are vital for writers.
Sign up to our newsletter
Be the first to know about the next author we interview, and get direct Zoom links to our online sessions! We would be thrilled to have you join our online family.