Time To Write is Back

TIME TO WRITE is back on December 1st! Let’s bring in the Aussie summer and European winter with a fab live interview with Brooke Hardwick. I am reading Brooke’s debut thriller THE FOG right now. AM LOVING! I got halfway through the book before my eyes started drooping – time had gotten away from me, and I hadn’t even noticed. THE FOG is good. It’s a page turner.

So how did Brooke, who had never written a book before, create such a thrilling thriller? Let’s talk about that on Sunday, December 1st. We have a bit of a personal story Brooke and I. I don’t really know how it started but I noticed Brooke on social media. As one does, I began to follow her. Then we started writing to each other and she was so lovely we struck up one of those social media friendships. She lives in The Netherlands, I was in Italy. We were both writers. Then…what? Your book is out? And it’s being published by Simon and Schuster? And now you are hot literary property signing your novel in bookshops, on crime panels and in writers festivals? 

This seemed to all happen overnight but of course it didn’t.

So I’ll let Brooke tell you all about how she wrote her first book, and then how she went about polishing it (it takes a village to grow a book) to finding an agent, to being published by one of the Big Five Publishing Houses. But most importantly, what was her writing process? And that gorgeous book cover – it’s almost frameable it’s so beautiful.

Join us for a 40-minute live author interview, then one hour of live private writing time on Sunday 1st December.

  • 7pm Sydney
  • 8am London
  • 9am Europe

Zoom invitation is linked here as well as pasted below. Please share this link with like-minded people. These are free sessions for you to learn and grow as writers, so pass the zoom invitation along. The Art of Writing started Time to Write sessions because we love talking about the craft of writing. We love understanding what makes writers tick. We wanted personal, more intimate sessions where we could chat with published writers, as well as write.

PLUS when writers finish their Art of Writing retreats in Florence or Brisbane, they are on creative highs. They leave us absolutely buzzing…but after a few weeks, their confidence starts to lag because they feel alone, and they are writing on their own again. So, we really wanted to address that writer isolation and create a community where we could all get together and maintain impetus with our writing. The idea is that we listen, learn, ask questions ……then ACTUALLY WRITE. We start our week off by WRITING!

In other news…

In 2025 we will run the Time to Write sessions every couple of weeks. Keep an eye on our in-coming blogs and newsletters to know dates and authors. 

In my last blog I talked about our October Art of Writing writer who was approached by UK agency KHLA. She was so excited. But also scared. Quite right. She should be frightened. Because now it’s SHOW TIME. It’s one thing to talk about your book idea, even write a premise or summary. And quite another to sit down and write your book (which I why one of my recent blogs was about how writing is a game of inches).

We are all set for our Brisbane retreat from March 6-9. Would love to see you there. We are working on storytelling across the board, as well as plot and theme.

What am I reading? THE FOG – fab!

Also just finished THE SAFEKEEP by Yael van der Wouden. So very beautiful. It was shortlisted for The Booker. A beautiful read.


Your zoom invitation for Sunday 1st December is below!

Lisa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: TIME TO WRITE Brooke Hardwick Lisa Clifford Dec 1st 7pm Sydney

Time: Nov 21, 2024 03:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

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